The Pasadena Financial Planner has written extensively about personal financial planning and investment management on a variety of websites. When I work with clients to develop their customized lifetime financial and investment plans, they often ask what they should read to improve their financial literacy.
This article provides a list of recommended reading from among the many hundreds of articles that I have authored in the past several years. Note that I have personally written all the content that you will find on the six personal finance and investment websites referenced below. You can reach us by using the contact form below.
The Skilled Investor website
Note that you can find all of my other financial websites, by going to The Skilled Investor website and clicking on the red colored links in the left hand column on any page of The Skilled Investor website.
On the front page of The Skilled Investor website you will find an index of pages with major categories and subcategories. Within the subcategories there are lists of articles and the front page tells you how many articles are in any subcategory. There are many articles in addition to those listed below, which you can find by clicking on the subcategory links below that have arrows in front of them.
Here are some suggested personal financial planning and investment management articles within the major categories and subcategories. Article titles are descriptive and should help you decide which articles you want to read first.
Personal Investment Management
- You must stay invested in the securities markets to earn market risk premiums
- Commodity futures in your investment portfolio — Is there really any future for individual investors?
Personal Financial Planning
This is a much shortened list of available articles, because there are many other personal financial planning articles posted on The Pasadena Financial Planner website. See a selected list below.
Financial Advisors, Investment Counselors, and the Financial Industry
Are Your Best Interests the Same as the Financial Services Industry?
Payment of Investment Advisors, Financial Planners, and Investment Counselors
Selecting a Financial Planning Advisor or Investment Adviser
Regulation of Financial Advisors and Investment Advisers
Frauds and Scams by Financial and Investment Advisers
Best No Load Funds website
Click “Sitemap” in top banner for a list of articles. Suggested reading:
To find articles that focus on each of these seven selection criteria, either click on the numbered headings within this article or go to the Sitemap.
No Load Bond Funds website
Click “Sitemap” in top banner for a list of articles. Suggested reading:
- No Load Bond Funds
- The Top 14 Low Cost Taxable United States Bond Mutual Funds (Low Minimum Deposit)
The Skilled Investor Blog
(associated with The Skilled Investor website)
You could read these selected articles:
- Where’s Waldo? – The illusion of superior professional mutual fund manager performance.
- Why only one Warren Buffett? The illusion of superior professional mutual fund manager performance.
Low Cost S&P 500 Index Funds website
You could read these selected articles:
The Pasadena Financial Planner website
Click “Sitemap” in top banner for a list of articles.
Suggested reading:
The two articles above summarize “10 Financial Planning Steps in the Right Direction,” a recommended personal financial planning process. There are individual articles with more details about each of these 10 steps. You can find them by clicking on the bold section headers within the two articles above, or you can find them by clicking the “Sitemap” link on any page and looking for the articles that are numbered 1 through 10.
In addition to these financial planning process articles, read:
- Living Expense Tracking Methods
- Asset Allocation, Investment Asset Tax Location, and Emergency Cash Management
See: Fee Based Pasadena Investment Advisor >>>
Pasadena Financial Planning
Larry Russell, Managing Director
MBA – Stanford University, MA – Brandeis University, and BS – M.I.T.
Lawrence Russell and Company Pasadena, California 91103
(626) 399-9579
A California Registered Investment Adviser — Certificate 133101
A truly independent financial planner and fee only investment advisor
(Regarding compensation, I provide financial planning services only on a fixed fee or hourly fee for services basis, and solely under a contract that we agree upon. I do not charge any form of asset fee. In addition, to avoid all conflicts-of-interest, I do not accept commissions or compensation of any type from the financial industry.)
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